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 Patient Education :

GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease)

GERD is a chronic disease where the acidic contents of the stomach get refluxed into the lower esophagus, thereby causing damage to it.

Symptoms :
 Abdominal or chest pain
 Belching or bloating
 Difficulty in swallowing
 Nausea or vomiting

Causes :
 Caused by damage or abnormalities in the barrier between the esophagus and stomach
 Abnormal relaxation in the sphincter muscles that help seal off the stomach
 Impaired expulsion of the acidic, semi-digested content from the stomach or esophagus

Long-Term Risks :
 Severe intestinal damage
 Severe, chronic esophageal damage

Solution :
 360° Nissen fundoplication (NF)
 Toupet fundoplication (TF)

Procedure :
A few incisions are made in the abdomen area, through which tiny tube shaped instruments are inserted. A laparoscope which has a tiny video camera and a powerful light source is then inserted through this incision to allow the doctor to view the procedure on a monitor. Another incision is used to insert surgical instruments in the body by which the procedure is carried out. It is performed under general anesthesia.